How to deal with grief

How to deal with grief

Grief is a natural reaction to the loss we feel when someone close to us dies. As painful and challenging as it is, grieving is important to heal. There are no quick fixes, but there are some things you can do to help you cope:

  1. Do not overburden yourself: It takes time to work through grief. While you may be eager for life to return to normal, you should allow yourself time to grieve.
  2.  Stay connected: Being around people who care about you and care about you can be beneficial. Refrain from isolating yourself. While it can be comforting being around others who are going through similar things, don't spend all of your time with people who are grieving.
  3. Look after yourself: Get enough sleep and eat properly. Staying active can help you keep up your strength and prepare you to deal with your emotions. Exercise causes metabolic changes that can aid in the alleviation of sadness.
  4. Do what you love: If you have a hobby or an activity that you enjoy, by all means, participate in it. Doing what we enjoy can be a welcome distraction. Listening to music can help some people. Others may find solace in spending time outside, seeing a play, or reading a good book.
  5. Seek help if you believe you need it: While sadness is natural, if you cannot carry on with your everyday activities or are concerned that you are not coping well, seek help. Consult with friends or family members, your doctor, or a hotline.

The Grieving Process
The Five Stages of Grief is an accepted model that describes how many people go through the grieving process. We all experience grief differently, so you may not experience each stage exactly as the model defines them. Understanding the model can help you to remember that your emotions are normal. According to the Five Stages, we must go through denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance.
Knowing there is no magic formula to make your grief disappear may not make you feel better. Nonetheless, there are a few things to keep in mind that may be useful.

5 Important things to remember about grief

  1. Everyone grieves differently: No one knows how you feel despite what others may say. Grieving is different for everyone; what you think is unique to you. So give yourself a break.
  2. Grief is natural: There is nothing unnatural about the grieving process. We all experience it at some point in our lives.
  3. There is no routine for grief: How quickly you feel like your old self depends on various factors. Some people recover quickly, while others require more time. Consider seeking help if you are concerned about how long it takes you to recover. There are support groups and professional grief counselors available to help you understand what you are going through.
  4. You are not by yourself: Spending quality time with those who care about you can be reassuring. Reach out to people who will understand your situation.
  5. It will get better: It may take some time, but you will eventually be able to return to your routine. That does not mean you will not miss the person you have lost. However, you will be able to recall them without the intense feelings accompanying a recent loss.