Business Directory

Cartier's - BELLINGHAM
Cartmell-Davis Funeral & Cremation Service

Compassion, Professionalism and service have been the hallmark of our business for three generations. With meticulous attention to detail and pride in the service we provide. Richard Davis Funeral Home has been serving families with care since 1969. It's our commitment to excellence and service to the community in which we live that has kept us strong for over 38 years. We take great pride in our ability to offer a wide array of services and merchandise. We will always do our best to accommodate your family.

Cartwright-Venuti Funeral Home - Braintree
Carversville Cemetery Association
Cary Glen Funeral Home

Clary-Glenn Funeral Home was established in 1931 as Page Funeral Home under the ownership of John Page and was operated under the direction of himself and his family until 1952. At that time it was purchased by Randolph Clary and he operated the funeral home and an ambulance service that served Walton and the surrounding counties. Mr. Clary discontinued the ambulance service on June 30, 1966 but continued to operate the funeral home with the assistance of Jerry Godwin, who later joined in partnership with Mr. Clary. In 1982, the funeral home became Clary-Godwin Funeral Home under the direction of Jerry Godwin.

Casa Funeral
Casa0va Funeral Home
Casaccia Marble & Granite
Cascade Memorial