Boxwell Brothers Funeral Home began as the vision of five brothers, Howard, Paul, Lloyd, Alton, and Ivan, who moved to Texas in the spring of 1926 to establish their first funeral home location in Amarillo. Locations in Dumas (1937) and Stratford were later brought into the partnership. In 1943, two locations in Perryton and Spearman were also purchased. Alton was chosen to oversee operations at these two locations and moved his family there in 1944. By 1968, Howard and Paul decided to retire, and Alton and Ivan Boxwell took over the partnership and operation of the facilities in Amarillo, Perryton, and Spearman. The Dumas and Stratford locations were sold. The partnership sadly did not last long; Alton unexpectedly died of a heart attack and Ivan became the sole proprietor of the three remaining locations with his two sons carrying on operations in Amarillo and Alton's two sons taking over in Perryton and Spearman. In the late 1970's, Alton's sons Richard (Dick) and Robert (Bob) in Perryton and Spearman were given the opportunity to take over ownership and Ivan's sons, Jim and Mike, took over ownership and operation of the Amarillo facility. Ivan's sons and Alton's sons now own their respective locations and are not connected with one another directly. We maintain a good relationship and help one another as the need arises, but the two businesses remain separate entities. Since their father's passing, Dick and Bob have proudly continued in the family tradition. Dick graduated from TCU in 1961 and in 1962 graduated from the mortuary science program at San Antonio College as a member of the first graduating class. He came back to begin work in August of 1962. In 2018, he will complete his fifty-sixth year of service in the profession. Bob graduated from TCU in 1969. After two years spent in the Army (14 months in Vietnam), he attended the Dallas Institute of Mortuary Science and came to work at the Spearman location in 1973. He subsequently retired in 2014. As a vitally significant business in the community, Boxwell Brothers became a forerunner in emergency care, offering ambulance services until 1970 at both locations. Since its inception in 1943, the funeral home has offered grave opening and closing services. The Boxwells have also been involved in civic clubs, boards, and churches in Perryton and Spearman. Dick's two sons, Jeff and Brent, have assumed operation of the businesses.